Friday 3 October 2008

Page 118

It was a couple of weeks before I received a letter from Dennis saying he had been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment and would probably have to serve a minimum of 1 year. He said he had been charged with possession of class `A `drugs, shoplifting, selling drugs and had asked for several other things to be taken into account. The result being the 3 year sentence. One thing about Dennis was, he accepted that he had done the crime and must serve the time. This would be the the longest yet. Learning from past mistakes......I dont think so.

By the end of this sentence I will have probably visited most prisons in the UK .as they were always moving them around. What an achievement. At least we could relax now. It would probably be next October 1984 that he would be out, possibly longer if he didnt behave himself.

Sheila was really loving her new job, her and Erin were great friends, socially and at work. Sheila had certainly changed, much more positive and confident, She rang me regularly and came home whenever she was able and we were much closer, I would go so far as to say friends as well as mother and daughter.

Time passed thank goodness quite uneventful , Steve and I were still working at Sidal. I did love the job I was kept so busy now Robert had left. I was now liaising with all the branch managers and we had a great working relationship. I was off to Belgium again but this time I was going with a couple of Salesmen from my office and two managers from the branches, it was going to be very enjoyable.

Christmas came and went, we missed Dennis this year. Steve and I was going to visit him sometime this week but had to wait for a visiting order. He was now in a prison on the Isle of Sheppey. Quite a trek for us.

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